发布时间: 2021-03-30 21:24:20 已阅读:简介:赵天福,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。现任西南大学蚕桑纺织与生物质科学学院副院长,重庆市蚕丝学会副理事长、茧丝绸专业委员会主任,中国丝绸协会理事,中国纺织工程学会会员。重庆市引进海外高层次人才,重庆市科技局科技特派员团队首席专家。1991年在西南农业大学参加工作,2002年至2014年在日本留学和开展合作研究,任信州大学副研究员、冈本株式会社研究员。2008年获日本衣料管理协会认定纤维制品品质管理士(TES,Textiles Evaluation Specialist)。主要从事家蚕分子育种与良种繁育,蚕丝、蜘蛛丝等生物质纤维材料创新与应用,家蚕基因工程等研究。长期致力于运用家蚕基因工程方法改进蚕丝性能,拓展蚕丝蛋白质材料的产业用途。主要研究兴趣是现代养蚕与家蚕良种繁育技术,高强度、高韧性、抗紫外、耐极端高低温环境的蜘蛛丝纤维的人工利用与开发。成功制作200余个转蜘蛛丝蛋白基因家蚕品系,并开展实用化杂交育种。对原产中国、日本和巴布亚新几内亚等地的近10种蜘蛛建立了丝蛋白基因文库并进行系统分析。(最后更新2023年9月28日)
1. 家蚕分子育种及现代养蚕与家蚕良种繁育技术
2. 蚕丝、蜘蛛丝等生物质纤维材料创新与应用
1. 重庆市商务委员会商务发展专项资金项目,20230228001237334,转蜘蛛丝基因特殊用途家蚕新品种的培育,2023/01-2024/05,50万元,主持.
2. 重庆市商务委员会茧丝绸发展项目,20220412204853557,家蚕分子育种法创制种质资源的快速纯系化技术探究,2022/01-2023/05,20万元,主持.
3. 重庆市商务委员会蚕桑产业发展补助资金项目一般项目,CQ2017CSE011,高强度丝蚕品种的茧丝性能评价技术,2017/07-2018/06,10万元,主持.
4. 重庆市商务委员会蚕桑产业发展补助资金项目一般项目,未编号,转蜘蛛丝蛋白基因家蚕的快速指纹识别研究,2016/07-2017/06,10万元,主持.
5. 西南大学博士基金,swu110004,高性能蛋白纤维及其蛋白编码基因的研究,2010/04,5万元,主持.
6. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金重点项目,XDJK2009B031,蜘蛛丝蛋白基因的克隆及开发应用,2010/01-2012/12,10万元,主持.
7. 日本科学技术振兴机构重点项目,b210054,強靭なスパイダーシルク糸の探索とその遺伝子の解明(强韧蜘蛛丝的探索及其基因解析),2009/11-2010/10,1010万日元,主持.
1. Jia, X., Pang, X., Yuan, Y., Gao, Q., Lu, M., Zhang, G., Dai, F. and Zhao, T*., 2021. Unpredictable recombination of PB transposon in Silkworm: a potential risk. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 296, 271-277.
2. Yonghua Lu, Tianfu Zhao, Ming Lu, Yaopeng Zhang, Xiang Yao, Guoyi Wu, Fangyin Dai, Fengxiu Zhang and Guangxian Zhang*, 2021. The Analyses of High Infectivity Mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 and Its Variants. COVID 2021, 1, 666–673.
3. Deng, T., Cheng, L., Peng, Y., Tong, X., Guo, N., Li, Z., Zhao, T. and Dai, F., 2021. Structure and Properties of Bombyx Mandarina Silk Fiber and Hybrid Silk Fiber. Journal of Natural Fibers 18, 330-342.
4. Li, Q., Hu, E., Yu, K., Xie, R., Lu, F., Lu, B., Bao, R., Zhao, T., Dai, F. and Lan, G., 2020a. Self-Propelling Janus Particles for Hemostasis in Perforating and Irregular Wounds with Massive Hemorrhage. Advanced Functional Materials 30.
5. Li, S., Huang, S., Xu, F., Zhao, T., Zhang, F. and Zhang, G., 2020b. Imparting superhydrophobicity and flame retardancy simultaneously on cotton fabrics. Cellulose 27, 3989-4005.
6. Hu, R., Zhao, Z., Zhou, J., Fan, T., Liu, Y., Zhao, T. and Lu, M., 2019. Ultrasound assisted surface micro-dissolution to embed nano TiO2 on cotton fabrics in ZnCl2 aqueous solution. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 56, 160-166.
7. 赵兵,刘家豪,汪涛,李智,代方银,赵天福*.转基因蚕丝丝素膜的制备与性能表征[J].蚕业科学,2018,44(04):560-566.
8. 赵天福,杜文华,辛佳,付巧娟,赵兵,朱勇.基于PCR的转基因家蚕快速识别方法[J].蚕学通讯,2017,37(03):1-3.
9. Long, Y., Li, J., Zhao, T., Li, G. and Zhu, Y., 2015. A New Arylalkylamine N-Acetyltransferase in Silkworm (Bombyx mori) Affects Integument Pigmentation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 175, 3447-3457.
10. Zhang, L., Han, L., Wang, Y., Zhao, T., Bao, X. and Nakagaki, M., 2013. The Variability of Mechanical Properties and Molecular Conformation among Different Spider Dragline Fibers. Fibers and Polymers 14, 1190-1195.
11. Zhao, T., Wang, Y. and Nakagaki, M., 2013a. Dragline protein. Okamoto Corporation.(国际专利)
12. Zhao, T.-F., Han, L., Wang, Y.-J., Zhu, Y., Zhang, G.-J. and Nakagaki, M., 2013b. Effect of different microinjection operation of eggs on egg hatchability and the occurrence of malformation in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Acta Entomologica Sinica 56, 499-504.(中文)
13. Han, L., Zhang, L., Zhao, T., Wang, Y. and Nakagaki, M., 2013. Analysis of a new type of major ampullate spider silk gene, MaSp1s. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 56, 156-161.
14. Zhao, T. and Nakagaki, M., 2013a. Nucleic acid encoding a silk protein and a method of producing a silk thread using same. Okamoto Corporation. .(国际专利)
15. Zhao, T. and Nakagaki, M., 2013b. Nucleic acid encoding a silk protein and a method of producing a silk thread using same. Okamoto Corporation. .(国际专利)
16. 隆耀航,李姣蓉,赵天福,武婧洁,付巧娟,李冠楠,朱勇.用于家蚕转基因的二化性品种蚕卵的预处理研究[J].西南大学学报(自然科学版),2013,35(12):9-15.
17. 赵天福,韩冷,王玉军,徐水.样品长度和拉伸速度对生丝拉伸试验结果的影响[J].丝绸,2013,50(06):29-32+36.
18. 赵天福.高等院校蚕丝文化教育的目的、内容和方式探讨[J].蚕学通讯, 2013,33(01):60-62.
19. Zhao, T. and Nakagaki, M., 2012. Recombinant organism and protein produced by the recombinant organism. Okamoto Corporation. .(国际专利)
20. Wang, Y., Sanai, K., Wen, H., Zhao, T. and Nakagaki, M., 2010a. Characterization of unique heavy chain fibroin filaments spun underwater by the caddisfly Stenopsyche marmorata (Trichoptera; Stenopsychidae). Molecular Biology Reports 37, 2885-2892.
21. Wang, Y., Wang, H., Zhao, T. and Nakagaki, M., 2010b. Characterization of a Cysteine-Rich Protein Specifically Expressed in the Silk Gland of Caddisfly Stenopsyche marmorata (Trichoptera; Stenopsychidae). Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 74, 108-112.
22. Wen, H., Lan, X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, T., Wang, Y., Kajiura, Z. and Nakagaki, M., 2010. Transgenic silkworms (Bombyx mori) produce recombinant spider dragline silk in cocoons. Molecular Biology Reports 37, 1815-1821.
23. Zhao, A., Zhao, T., Zhang, Y., Xia, Q., Lu, C., Zhou, Z., Xiang, Z. and Nakagaki, M., 2010. New and highly efficient expression systems for expressing selectively foreign protein in the silk glands of transgenic silkworm. Transgenic Research 19, 29-44.
24. Zhang, Y., Hu, J., Miao, Y., Zhao, A., Zhao, T., Wu, D., Liang, L., Miikura, A., Shiomi, K., Kajiura, Z. and Nakagaki, M., 2008. Expression of EGFP-spider dragline silk fusion protein in BmN cells and larvae of silkworm showed the solubility is primary limit for dragline proteins yield. Molecular Biology Reports 35, 329-335.
25. Miao, Y., Zhang, Y., Nakagaki, K., Zhao, T., Zhao, A., Meng, Y., Nakagaki, M., Park, E.Y. and Maenaka, K., 2006. Expression of spider flagelliform silk protein in Bombyx mori cell line by a novel Bac-to-Bac/BmNPV baculovirus expression system. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 71, 192-199.
26. Zhao, A.C., Zhao, T.F., SiMa, Y.H., Zhang, Y.S., Nakagaki, K., Miao, Y.G., Shiomi, K., Kajiura, Z., Nagata, Y. and Nakagaki, M., 2005. Unique molecular architecture of egg case silk protein in a spider, Nephila clavata. Journal of Biochemistry 138, 593-604.