发布时间: 2021-03-30 14:29:51 已阅读:
1、Microwave-promoted synthesis of polyol esters for lubrication oil using a composite catalyst in a solvent-free procedure[J], Green Chem., 2011, 13, 178, 共同第一作者,SCI期刊,IF: 8.020.
2、A novel durable and high-phosphorous-containing flame retardant for cotton fabrics[J],Cellulose, DOI 10.1007/s10570-016-0949-3, 2016年。通讯作者,中科院SCI一区,IF: 3.573.
3、A self-stiffness finishing for cotton fabric with N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide[J], Cellulose (2015) 22:2837–2844, 通讯作者,中科院SCI一区,IF: 3.573.
4、Enhancement of flame retardancy of cotton fabrics by grafting a novel organic phosphorous-based flame Retardant[J], Cellulose (2015) 22:2787–2796,通讯作者,中科院SCI一区,IF: 3.573.
5、Preparation of superhydrophobic poly(ethylene terephthalate) fabricby high-temperature sucrose fatty ester inlaying and esterification[J], Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 493 (2016) 59–65 2016年。通讯作者,SCI, IF: 2.752.
6、Facile preparation of super-hydrophilic poly(ethylene terephthalate)fabric using dilute sulfuric acid under microwave irradiation[J], Applied Surface Science 349 (2015) 437–444 , 通讯作者,中科院SCI二区,IF: 2.711, 工程技术类Top 杂志。
7、Superhydrophilic surface modification of fabric via coating with nano-TiO2 by UV and alkaline treatment[J], Applied Surface Science 297 (2014) 147–152, 通讯作者,中科院SCI二区,IF: 2.711, 工程技术类Top 杂志。
8、A novel method to bind soybean protein onto the surface of poly(ethylene terephthalate) fabric[J], Textile research journal, DOI: 10.1177/0040517516631324. 2016年。通讯作者,中科院SCI二区,IF: 1.599
9、Mild surface modification of para-aramid fiber by dilute sulfuric acid under microwave irradiation[J], Textile research journal, DOI: 10.1177/0040517516639831, 2016年。通讯作者,中科院SCI二区,IF: 1.599
10、Colorant-free coloration and superhydrophilic modification of poly(ethylene terephthalate) fabric surface by H2O2 and nano-TiO2 ultraviolet photocatalysis[J], Textile research journal,DOI: 10.1177/0040517515603800, 通讯作者,中科院SCI二区,IF: 1.599
11、The accelerating effect of a small cationic quaternary ammonium compound and the adsorption kinetics in the dyeing of silk with reactive dyes[J], Coloration Technology, doi: 10.1111/cote.12150, 通讯作者,IF: 1.262
12、Key factors affecting the activity and stability of enzymes in ionic liquids and novel applications in biocatalysis[J], Biochemical Engineering Journal 99 (2015) 67–84,SCI,IF: 2.467
13、The Catalytic Degradation Performance of α-FeOOH Doped with Silicon on Methyl Orange[J], Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 11 (1), 2016, 120-124.通讯作者,EI 收录
14、无甲醛衬布胶水的制备及其应用[J],纺织学报,2016,37(1),81-84,97,通讯作者,EI 收录
15、对位芳纶磷酸化表面改性[J],纺织学报,2015,36(11),12-19,通讯作者,EI 收录
16、应用高温高压镶嵌法的超疏水涤纶织物制备[J],纺织学报,2016,37(3),12-19,通讯作者,EI 收录
17、接枝阳离子茧衣对印染废水中染料的吸附[J],纺织学报,2014,35(12),17-23,通讯作者,EI 收录
18、基于离子化法的高亲水性涤纶织物制备[J],纺织学报,2014,35(6),46-49,通讯作者,EI 收录
19、基于脂肪酶催化的柞蚕丝织物接枝脂肪醇疏水整理[J],纺织学报,2013,34(10),117-120,通讯作者,EI 收录
20、双辛基二甲基溴化铵对活性染料在丝绸上的促染[J],纺织学报,2013,34(12),60-65,通讯作者,EI 收录
21、双己基二甲基溴化铵对活性染料在蚕丝上的促染[J],纺织学报,2012,33(5),62-68,通讯作者,EI 收录
22、腈纶织物接枝蚕蛹蛋白改性[J],纺织学报,2011,32(12),19-23,通讯作者,EI 收录
23、蚕丝织物乙酰化抗皱整理[J],纺织学报,2012,33(12),62-68,通讯作者,EI 收录
24、涤纶半镶嵌接枝丝胶蛋白功能性面料的研究[J],纺织学报,2013,34(1),56-61,通讯作者,EI 收录
25、紫外线纳米二氧化钛改性高亲水涤纶织物的制备[J],纺织学报,2013,34(3),82-86,通讯作者,EI 收录
26、利用丝绸活性染料分子伴侣进行清洁染色[J],纺织学报,2013,34(2),105-110,第一作者,EI 收录
27、The preparation of flame-retardant poly (ethyleneterephthalate) fabric by ionic agent[J], 2015 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2015), 通讯作者,EI 收录
28、Study of a novel phosphorus-containing flame retardant for cotton fabric[J], 2015 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2015),通讯作者,EI 收录
29、A High-efficiency Inflame Retardant Modification of Poly(EthyleneTerephthalate)(PET) Fabric[J], Advanced Materials Research Vols. 1004-1005 (2014) pp 315-318,通讯作者,EI 收录
30、The wearability of soybean protein / poly(ethylene terephthalate)composite fabric[J],Advanced Materials Research Vols. 1004-1005 (2014) pp 513-516 通讯作者,EI 收录
31、High Hydrophilic Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate)(PET) Fabric Modified by Ionic Agent[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 319 (2013) pp 58-61 通讯作者,EI 收录
32、Monomer Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Aromatic Polyamides[J],Advanced Materials Research Vol. 549 (2012) pp 45-49,通讯作者,EI 收录
33、Accelerating Mechanism of OHDAB on Silk with Reactive Dye[J],Advanced Materials Research Vols. 821-822 (2013) pp 581-584,通讯作者,EI 收录
34、A Novel Durable Stiffness Finishing of Cotton Fabric[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 184-185 (2012) pp 864-867, 通讯作者,EI 收录
35、Super wettable poly(ethylene terephthalate)(PET) fabric modified by UV/nano-TiO2/H2O2[J], Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 184-185 (2012) pp 1272-1275, 通讯作者,EI 收录
36、Surface hydrophilicity modification of poly(ethylene terephalate) fabric by UV/TiO2[J], Advanced Materials Research Vols. 781-784 (2013) pp 2704-2707, 通讯作者,EI 收录
37、The Accelerating Mechanism of Octyl Hexyl Dimethyl AmmoniumBromide[J],Advanced Materials Research Vols. 781-784 (2013) pp 2676-2679,通讯作者,EI 收录
38、The Interaction between Reactive Dye and Octyl Trimethyl Ammonium Chloride[J],Advanced Materials Research Vols. 781-784 (2013) pp 2712-2715,通讯作者,EI 收录
39、Dyeing Accelerant Octyl Hexyl Dimethyl Ammonium Bromide on Silk with Reactive dyes[J], Advanced Materials Research Vols. 781-784 (2013) pp 2726-2729, 通讯作者,EI 收录
40、A Durable Superhydrophilic Modification of Polyester Fabric[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 319 (2013) pp 66-69,第一作者,EI 收录
41、Novel Silkworm Pupa Protein (SPP) /Polyester Fabric[J], Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 319 (2013) pp 161-164,通讯作者,EI 收录
42、Dyeing of Cotton Fabric modified by 2, 3-Epoxpropyl Triethyl Ammonium Chloride with Reactive Dyes[J],Advanced Materials Research Vols. 690-693 (2013) pp 1547-1550, 通讯作者,EI 收录
43、Preparing Gambiered Guangdong Silk with Ultraviolet Radiation and Normal Mud/Fe2+[J], Advanced Materials Research Vols. 690-693 (2013) pp 1358-1361,通讯作者,EI 收录
44、Adsorption Kinetics of Reactive Dyes on Silk with Octyl Butyl Dimethyl Ammonium Bromide as Accelerant[J], Advanced Materials Research Vol. 549 (2012) pp 278-282,通讯作者,EI 收录
45、Preparation and property of bamboo silk fabric[J],Advanced Materials Research Vol. 627 (2013) pp 53-56 通讯作者,EI 收录.
46、Dyeing Acceleration Theory of Molecule Companion on Silk with Reactive Dyes[J],Advanced Materials Research Vol. 549 (2012) pp 70-73第一作者,EI 收录.
47、Study on increasing strength of silkworm silk[J], Advanced Materials Research Vols. 472-475 (2012) pp 614-617 第一作者,EI 收录.
48、Modifing PET fabric surface with peanut protein[J], Advanced Materials Research Vols. 472-475 (2012) pp 66-69,第一作者,EI 收录
49、Surface modification of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) with UV/nano-TiO2[J], Advanced Materials Research Vols. 472-475 (2012) pp 2958-2961,通讯作者,EI 收录
50、High Functional Silk Fibroin Polyester Fabric[J], Advanced Materials Research Vols. 332-334 (2011) pp 799-803,第一作者,EI 收录
51、High functional PET sericin composite fabric[J],Advanced Materials Research Vols. 430-432 (2012) pp 49-52,第一作者,EI 收录
52、Adsorption Kinetic Study of Reactive Dyes on Silk with Octyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide as Accelerant[J],Advanced Materials Research Vol. 331 (2011) pp 291-297,通讯作者,EI 收录
53、Surface Modification of Polyester Fibers by Encasing Sucrose Ester and Grafting Soybean Protein[J], Advanced Materials Research Vol. 331 (2011) pp 133-138通讯作者,EI 收录
54、Semi-encasing Sucrose Ester and Grafting Silkworm Pupae Protein on Polyester Fabric to Modify Polyester Fabric Surface[J],Advanced Materials Research Vols. 189-193 (2011) pp 634-638,第一作者,EI 收录
59、Improving stiffness and wrinkle-resistant polyester-cotton blended fabric by acrylamide and glyoxal, 2015, ICMMEE 会议论文集。通讯作者。
60、Stiffness and wrinkle resistant finishing of cotton fabric based on acrilamide and glyoxal, 2015, ICMMEE 会议论文集。通讯作者。
1、超亲水涤纶的磷酸制备方法,发明专利,授权专利号:ZL 201210439942.0,排名第一。
2、超亲水涤纶的硫酸制备方法,发明专利,授权专利号:ZL 201210439934.6,排名第一。
3、镶嵌法赋予涤纶官能团的方法,发明专利,授权专利号:ZL 200910103773.1,排名第一。
4、高稳定芳纶纤维及其制备方法,发明专利,授权专利号:ZL 201310098558.3,排名第一。
5、涤纶织物自显色方法,发明专利,授权专利号:ZL: 201210573542.9,排名第一。
6、一种棉织物自挺括整理方法,授权专利号:ZL 201310227900.5,排名第一。
7、蔗糖缩水甘油醚交联剂、抗皱整理剂及其合成方法,发明专利,授权专利号:ZL 200910103774.6,排名第一。
联系方式:zgx656472@sina.com; 手机:13983201375。